Welcome to the Northeast Regional Computational Cooperative (NRCC).

What is NRCC?

NRCC is a non-profit member-owned cooperative, centered around hosting internet infrastructure. It started as a project among three “homelabbers” that wanted a more reliable location for hosting their servers. NRCC leases racks in datacenters, then passes along the opportunity for its members to purchase space.


Membership is available to anyone. There is a $50 yearly membership fee associated. This fee enables a person to purchase rack-units of space in NRCC-managed racks.

Hosting Fee

In addition to the $50 yearly membership fee, there is a hosting fee of $50 per rack unit per month (plus fees for additional power). This fee is not mandatory to join NRCC - and only needs to be paid to lease space. All the other features of membership are available, even if you aren’t placing equipment in our racks.

Learn more about our pricing on our pricing page.

Membership Benefits

Members of NRCC enjoy a series of privileges, such as:

Hosting Benefits

Those that choose to host a server (or multiple!) in one of our racks receive the following benefits:


NRCC thanks our generous sponsors for their support!

Contact Us

Feel free to email the Board at board @

Members are given access to the Discord for general discussion and questions.